By AtLeastTheyreClean - 27/01/2017 19:28 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, after hours of protesting and tantrums, I finally got my kids to clean their rooms. They're all really proud of themselves and enjoying all the extra space. I'm stuck with the three extra loads of laundry they found in there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 990
You deserved it 2 149

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Now is a great time to teach them how to do their own damned laundry.

So... Teach them do it themselves? You parents really need to stop underestimating the value of chores...


Now is a great time to teach them how to do their own damned laundry.

So... Teach them do it themselves? You parents really need to stop underestimating the value of chores...

In op's defence, her kids still may be too young to do laundry. Just because you can clean your room, doesn't automatically mean you are responsible or mature enough to use a washer and dryer. For all we know they're only 6 years old.

That's old enough to fold laundry. Running the machine is never the hard or bad part. It's folding. Make those ***** fold their own. I did when I was four and on.

Ok, doing laundry is not fun, but the machines do the work, not like your going down to a river with a rock.

TabooSushi 24

It's the sorting, folding, and putting it all way that's the worst part, dude. That's probably what OP is dreading.

your kids must have a ton of clothes if all that was dirty and they still hadn't run out. maybe time to get them a hamper or two.

num1piglover 13

Depending on how many kids it might not be that bad. There are six of us in my house (including my mom and grandma) and 3-5 loads a week is average for us.

your kids must have a ton of clothes if all that was dirty and they still hadn't run out. maybe time to get them a hamper or two.

I have clothing from when I was 10. I am nearly 20 now. I still have some of my brothers things as well

only three? cant have been that messy then. ps. i have four boys...

My kids are responsible for their own laundry once they turn 9. If I end up doing the laundry, I pick out what they will be wearing for the next week, something none of them want me to do.

TheFalseFolse 0

when i was a kid i did as i was told, because if i didnt my dad would whip my ass. none of this temper tantrum for hours bullshit. either teach your kid to listen to people in charge or unemployment will.

Hey, just cause you probably need to hear it... you are doing a great job. Parenting is hard in the best of circumstances and strangers not picking at your need to vent can't help. I've found a great resource is a podcast called One Bad Mother. I hope you have a good support system getting you through the more trying moments of parenting.