By I knew it! - 02/11/2018 17:00 - United States - Washington

Today, I woke up to 6 missed calls. I called back to find a woman asking how I know her boyfriend after seeing our texts. I told her he's been my boyfriend for 4 months, and she told me he's been hers for over a year. He vehemently denied knowing who I am as I spoke, even with obvious proof. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 108
You deserved it 304

Same thing different taste

Top comments

whiskey'swino 15

Jerk. At least you only invested four months, she lost a year on a lying loser.


I wonder who is his first preference.

julfunky 29

It’s safe to say the one he wasn’t denying he knew.

PenguinPal3017 19

What other option did he have? "This girl in your phone says you're her boyfriend." "I don't know you!"

ThatGuy9679 13

That's probably only because he was physically with the other girl, if he was with op at the time of phone call I have a feeling he would say the same thing about the other girl

whiskey'swino 15

Jerk. At least you only invested four months, she lost a year on a lying loser.

TomeDr 24

Hopefully he now has NO girlfriends.

This actually happened to me once. I was dating a guy for about a month before I found out he already had a girlfriend of a few months. He completely denied it to here saying I was crazy and we only met once when I had proof and she still believed him. I think he was also still dating another girl I knew who he told me he had broken up with right before we started dating. A few months later she got in contact with me again and told me she broke up with him. Lying bastard deserves no one.

You and the other girl might become good friends after it all tbh You might have way more in common other than poor choice in manky men