By Chronicus Ironia - 17/10/2018 07:30 - United States

Today, I found out that my wife is leaving me for a tattoo artist. I was in rehab and she met him getting a tattoo as a surprise for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 083
You deserved it 356

Same thing different taste


childlessmother 16

Like my grandma always said “ tit for tat”

She did succeed in getting a surprise for you — Surprise!!!

tounces7 27

Like if it's drug rehab I'm slightly more understanding that maybe she just didn't want to deal with that any more, especially if you just keep going back. If it's physical rehab because of an accident then she's a bitch.

TBH, maybe you should thank your stars you dodged that bullet. Who gets THEMSELVES a tattoo to surprise you while doing rehab for an issue YOU have. That's a little self-centered. "Here is something I did for myself to surprise you with because good luck at not doing alcohol or drugs"? Hope you find someone who feels lucky to have you in their lives and I sincerely hope you get over your addiction, whatever that may be (and whoever drove you to it)