By Fucked - 16/01/2009 19:38 - United States

Today, my dog found my marijuana pipe and the bag it was in and brought it to my parents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 552
You deserved it 40 816

Same thing different taste


deannamarie12 0

If you do drugs you are fag and this is a fake FML. It is not called a pipe it is called a Bong Idiot.

R0lling_St0ner 0

ok #56 you have to be the biggest moron here because 1 not only do I smoke weed I'm not a fag so your wrong on the the whole "if you do drugs your a fag" point of view second because not only did the OP say pipe a bong couldn't fit in a bag unless it was a small one or he had a really big bag of weed but either way no one I don't care how noob they are at smoking weed they wouldn't be dumb enough to put a bong in a bag of weed in the first place so why don't you get off of your high horse and smoke a bowl of pot and then look at your out look on life and tell me weather marijuana is bad

dioxyde420 0

Are you serious? A pipe is much smaller than a bong. YES THERE ARE SUCH THINGS AS PIPES! A bong is big and wouldn't fit in a bag. You have no clue what you're talking about. And the "smoking weed= fag" thing, wow. Just wow.

dioxyde420 0

If you're going to brag how intelligent you are please use correct grammar/spelling.

do to that dog what they did to old yeller

Popsiclese 0

hey 56 guess what? STFU there is pipes for dope you ****** stupid american