End of the road

By CANTTAKEMORE - 26/04/2016 22:24 - New Zealand - Auckland

Today, I seriously considered stepping in front of a car so that I could miss a few days of work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 413
You deserved it 2 977

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Satisfy that urge by stepping in front of a parked car and then turn around and walk to the nearest employment center. No job is worth your mental health

Burton_Forever 23

Sounds to me like you should start sending in resumes if you're that unhappy with your current work place...


acerredrum 23

I think you'll find the threat of starvation and homelessness a very compelling argument for why not to quit.

JocelynKaulitz 28

I'm sure OP would've done it a long time ago if it was that easy. Especially if it was that easy finding a new job.

Poppleton99 9

Apparently, #1 doesn't, or has never had a job.

Burton_Forever 23

Sounds to me like you should start sending in resumes if you're that unhappy with your current work place...

I know not everyone has the ability to take days off from work whenever they want, but maybe use a couple sick days to re-coup?

Personally I don't have sick days. I've run my body into the ground with two jobs and needed to take off today to just sleep or I would have been hospitalized for exhaustion. I lose all my pay for today. Sick days would be great if they existed for everyone.

wow....Sounds like you really need to either take a vacation or find a different job.

That sounds pretty extreme... I would look at seeing a processional about coping with stress/depression and maybe considering a career change.

How about you just leave a job that makes you consider doing something to yourself and find a better job instead :) GL op

Have you ever considered work as a stunt double, OP? Then getting hit by cars could also earn you some dough.

Satisfy that urge by stepping in front of a parked car and then turn around and walk to the nearest employment center. No job is worth your mental health

I totally get it. I'm kinda hoping that I get this fever that my sister has so I can miss a day of school.

There's a big difference between work and school sweetie... But, you might not have a job yet, so school is the closest you can relate. I'm not gonna thumb up, or down... You'll understand one day.

While what you're saying has truth to it, #11, that sounded super condescending. Also, you don't know what they are going through and school might be a much more stressful environment for them than you are giving credit for. My little sister had to drop out of high school for the sake of her mental health. (She's doing better now, got her GED and going to college)

@24: I understand what you're saying, but I think 11 is speaking about more than just stress. School doesn't have the same kind of consequences that a job has.

No, I understand. I just think she could have said it in a way that isn't condescending like that. You totally tune that stuff out as a teen when someone is talking down to you. It's just not very considerate.