Underestimated overachiever

By Anonymous - 27/03/2020 20:00

Today, I told my cousin I was admitted to a top MBA program. He asked if it was an online-only certificate program. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 253
You deserved it 188

Same thing different taste

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If it actually was a top mba program you’d just say what program it is, for example “I got accepted the the University of Utah’s MBA program”. Most people assume online certificate when they hear “top mba program” because just as others have said, those online programs say that in their sales pitch to get you to buy their product.

Some online-only programs advertise themselves as "top" or "leading" or "for extremely stable geniuses." Remember, one of their specialties is marketing. *cough*University of Phoenix*cough*


Some online-only programs advertise themselves as "top" or "leading" or "for extremely stable geniuses." Remember, one of their specialties is marketing. *cough*University of Phoenix*cough*

If it actually was a top mba program you’d just say what program it is, for example “I got accepted the the University of Utah’s MBA program”. Most people assume online certificate when they hear “top mba program” because just as others have said, those online programs say that in their sales pitch to get you to buy their product.