By Fucked - 16/01/2009 19:38 - United States

Today, my dog found my marijuana pipe and the bag it was in and brought it to my parents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 552
You deserved it 40 816

Same thing different taste


R0lling_St0ner 0

dude that could be the best dog EVER all you need to do is get a pad of your own bring the dog and train him to get your pipe and bring it to you, that way when your to stoned to get up and move he can get it for you XD

More typical responses from ignorant proponents of illegalization. For the record, in moderation there is absolutely nothing wrong with recreational drug use. Consciousness-altering substances have been with humanity for thousands of years and they aren't going away anytime soon, nor should they. EDIT: Wasn't meant as a response to this particular poster. Oops.

Yea man, 'week' is so bad for you. 'Weed' on the other hand, is fucken great!

Your fault for smoking that nasty shit. I tried it once and the headache next day was NOT worth the high.

zenory 0

Ok. Pot is mind altering it's not that it has negative effects. it's what you do under the influence that makes it bad... Now I'm not saying drinking isn't the same... but neither is good for you

dioxyde420 0

If you got a headache a whole day after it was NOT pot. Even if you got a headache right away it wasn't pot. That sucks!

onexgun 0

you prolly just got some bad shit.. or REALLY good shit that you couldent handle cause it was your first time

bridgette5866 0

Michael Scott. Please, please get my reference to The Office.

hannahjay 0

haha epic failure! :D that's what you get for doin drugs anywayy