By abbacjt - 16/01/2009 17:51 - United States

Today, I sent my sister a text about how fat I was becoming and looking as disgusting as my ex-husband. When I checked to see if she had received it I saw that I had accidentally sent it to my ex-father in law. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 773
You deserved it 26 720

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI. Why do you have your ex father in law in your contact list?

I kind of agree with #4. Why would you be telling your sister how fat you are, anyway? And why would you marry a fat guy you thought was disgusting?


jellyshoes11 4

Sounds like a fake. How do you mess that up? OP YDI

rawchelllll 0

YDI. Why do you have your ex father in law in your contact list?

iValerest 6

Haha that's what I was thinking

I kind of agree with #4. Why would you be telling your sister how fat you are, anyway? And why would you marry a fat guy you thought was disgusting?

As a general rule, if your FML post involves sending a text message to the wrong recipient, then without question YOU DESERVED IT. I mean, come on, it's really not that hard to make sure you're sending it to the right person, ESPECIALLY if it's of sensitive subject matter that you wouldn't want to get into the wrong hands.

Why do you care if he's your EX-father-in-law? it's not like normal people talk to their ex-husbands parents.

Nobody on this site seems to be able to send their Messages to the right people..... :P

#8 And people always seem to describe sex really weirdly and for some awkward reason half the time the guy is gay

frozenshake 5

well, if things went right, it wouldn't be on this site it's called F MY LIFE for a reason dummy :P

17- HEY! Let's not use such strong language!