By Fucked - 16/01/2009 19:38 - United States

Today, my dog found my marijuana pipe and the bag it was in and brought it to my parents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 552
You deserved it 40 816

Same thing different taste


smartalek 2

why are you smoking marijuana, stupid?

66mustangrocks 4

just dont smoke weed dumbass

crazyrunnergirl 7
mind_geek 15

Weed is only healthy when you use a vaporizer. The burning of any carbon is harmful to your lungs. That's why more people die of smoke inhalation during fires than burns. Any form of 'smoking' is bad for you. Cigarettes more so because of the tar and carcinogens. Vaporizers use steam, and release little to no carbon. Also, the THC released is more so then if the weed was burned; a higher high. Btw, I myself am not a smoker/ user, I just know alot.

gatorsgirl 0

DUDE I keep my stuff in a little box at the top of my closet XD and for the rest of you pot is a relaxer and can be great medication maybe the OP has a medical condition and it helps him so don't go off unless you know the whole story I have insomnia and it helps me sleep

then why would he hide it from his parents?

Tink4me 0

that's why you always put it up high, dogs have great senses so they will find it otherwise.