By Fucked - 16/01/2009 19:38 - United States

Today, my dog found my marijuana pipe and the bag it was in and brought it to my parents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 552
You deserved it 40 816

Same thing different taste


KatherineJ 0

You shouldn't have been doing drugs anyways. Karma was just coming to slap you in the face. You deserved it. Also, good dog!

kshogan29 0

For Everyones shouldn't dislike someone or call them names just cuz they do drugs. They do wat makes them happy. It's not up to you Wat n/e one else soes

So by 115's logic we shouldn't dislike a serial killer that kills people, because they enjoy it? Both acts are illegal. Until MJ becomes legal, it's 'wrong'. Laws are put in place because the majority of the populace believe that certain things should not be done. Defending someone who broke the law for one offense vs another is being hypocritical. And to the rest of you who're hypothesizing that it's for medicinal use, answer me this: If he has a legitimate medical concern, why is it FML worthy that his parents found out that he had it? They would either already know (If they were younger than 18) or not have any say, as it's a legit medical thing in the first place (If they were older than). YDI. You really do.

Haha ydi..I love your dog.. and #9 your an asshole that's considered animal abuse..I agree with 28 and 29

thagar 2

Dude, don't smoke marajuana. That's horrible and can lead to worse drugs that can effect you even more in the future. Serves you right your parents found out.

Omfg this shit already happened to me twice!

man, now you gotta teach that dog to go through other peoples dog doors, sneak through their houses, and find their weed. youll be set, sell those bags and pipes for cash, then buy a lockbox for your weed. then you just have the dog go and steal shit, and youll have tons of weed, and 100% profitable merchandise. foolproof. teach him to fetch your bags and bring them to you.

cowgirl1691 0

That wasn't a smart thing to post for the world to see... And cops!

Good boy or girl whichever the dog is