Give it to me baby!

By Anonymous - 26/01/2024 21:00 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend is so terrified of having a baby that he won’t screw me, even though I’m on the pill and we have condoms. He gets so worked up, he usually goes soft before we get the condom on. His oral game is on point but I just want a good hard dicking, is that too much to ask? FML
I agree, your life sucks 498
You deserved it 181

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Blunt w/chip on shoulder 3

he's not terrified of having a baby your on the pill and condoms so it doesn't have anything to do with getting u pregnant. he either has E.D. or it's a health issue he needs to get healthier cause that effects the penis. or he has sexual anxiety & is so far into his head he can't stay up. but it has nothing to do with u getting pregnant if he goes soft while putting a condom on

easybree 10

thank you! let’s be smart here


Blunt w/chip on shoulder 3

he's not terrified of having a baby your on the pill and condoms so it doesn't have anything to do with getting u pregnant. he either has E.D. or it's a health issue he needs to get healthier cause that effects the penis. or he has sexual anxiety & is so far into his head he can't stay up. but it has nothing to do with u getting pregnant if he goes soft while putting a condom on

easybree 10

thank you! let’s be smart here

or maybe, hear me out i know this is crazy, but maybe he is telling the truth... and also doesnt trust her

bluucifer 1