By Anonymous - 06/06/2009 17:38 - United States

Today, my boyfriend went to the aquarium. We were noticing the fishy smell, and I had made a comment about it. Then my boyfriend slowly, and seductively whispers into my ear, "It sort of reminds me of how you smell." FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 255
You deserved it 13 757

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, clearly he brought you there to show you the importance of personal hygiene.


#99, that's because she has 4 separate posts.

jandersoniii: Enroll in a biological/evolution course to educate yourself and stop spouting your psychobabble. You have been sadly brainwashed and refuse to look at anything from a different perspective. It's people like you who actually make men hate feminism instead of support it.

Oh no's! O.o its janderson yelling all of her bogus statistics and feminazi bullshit........everybody get out your ****** (ladies) and penis's and **** slap her to establish dominance. She's also not very bright considering she believes the U.S. has 864x10^9 people in it according to her 10 million women are abused every second stat. We only have 306,605,550 give or take a few. The population clock keeps changing :D

technobutterfly 0

jandersonii is a most professional troll. I'm waiting for the 50 Hitler post. Troll troll was troll

91, ILY. And queer studies? Yeah, and I have a quintuple Ph.D in Martian Pee-Pees and their Associated Uses and Subsequent Secretion of Sticky Substances... If you are so insecure as to create false credentials, please make them believable. Pretty please? Sex is the way people reproduce. It's necessary for the continuance of human life, whether you be creationist or evolutionist. But if you intend to suggest that the human race should drive itself to extinction.... seek professional help. And buy a vibrator. Actually, buy a vibrator anyway. Masturbation is healthy and stress-relieving. @OP: Chill, it was a joke, and a pretty good one. He might have even been referring to the stereotypical association of the smell of fish with sex that dates back to Shakespearian times (Romeo and Juliet, I think it was Mercutio's(?) line to Romeo accusing him of having slept with Juliet the morning after the balcony scene...). But yeah. He might not have even been refering to you. If it scares you, ask him. He probably won't bite you. Nobody deserves to be dumped, murdered in their sleep, or anything of that nature.

I thought the rhyme was "if it tastes like fish, give it a miss. if it tastes like chicken, keep on lickin!" but thats what my guy friend said to me.

NickelPhosphate 0

Smell where? LOL that means you either a) need to shower more b) need to use more soap when you shower c) use stronger soap/shampoo d) wear deodorant e) clean down there really well Or he was just playing you.