Thanks, I hate it!

By thebabysitter - 14/08/2009 07:34 - United States

Today, I just got done watching my cousin's two kids for four days while they were on vacation. I fed, clothed, and bathed them for four days of hell and got paid with a $5 shark tooth necklace from the Bahamas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 995
You deserved it 5 353

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just because you're family doesn't mean they can **** you like that. They had the money for the Bahamas, so they have the money to pay you for your work.

You mean you agreed to babysit for free (or without discussing payment), and they brought back a sharktooth necklace from the giftshop ?? I seriously doubt the souvenir was a form of payment, but perhaps next time you discuss payment ahead of time? Family usually screws you over more than strangers.


fmlfmlfml15 0

wow third for once!!!! and you were babysitting family, but if it was an actual job, then id be pissed

Yeah, it probably wasn't established that this was a paid gig.

I agree that babysitting for family should usually be for free, you should help family out. However, when you're babysitting 2 kids for 4 days straight, that's a lot of work to do for free, family or not.

Just because you're family doesn't mean they can **** you like that. They had the money for the Bahamas, so they have the money to pay you for your work.

no it doesn't perhaps they saved money for this one vacation but could not afford to hire a babysitter for 4 days, hence they asked him.

Then they could have saved a little bit longer to fairly compensate him, couldn't they? Edit: Where'd the original comment we were talking about go?

You don't work with money with family.... everybody knows that

Agreed. You should have established payment beforehand if you expected any. Also- at least the OP knows not to have kids now, since they won't be able to pay him anything at all.

That's not true. My boyfriend's cousin went away with his family for two weeks, and asked my boyfriend to house-, dog-, and fishsit for the entire time. They paid him $250 when they got back. Family should be grateful, just like anyone one. The expression "time is money" comes to mind. OP took four days out of their life to take care of obviously very rambunctious children. Why shouldn't they expect to be compensated? We don't KNOW if they couldn't afford to compensate him. OP, FYL for having such a difficult time babysitting, but YDI for not letting your cousin know from the get-go that you expected to be paid with money and not animal parts.

polkadot1196 0

They are family, so they just owe you!

curryndricegirll 0

I agree, you should have had a wage set beforehand if you expected to be paid, but I mean, it IS family. I don't see how you expected to be paid. Anyway, if it bothers you that much, ask them to do something for you and then don't pay them.

it's touchy but there should have been an agreed upon payment before they left. however I agree fml

GoldenWonton 0

At least you got some experience out of this.

You mean you agreed to babysit for free (or without discussing payment), and they brought back a sharktooth necklace from the giftshop ?? I seriously doubt the souvenir was a form of payment, but perhaps next time you discuss payment ahead of time? Family usually screws you over more than strangers.

dude, you are family. If I a relative of mine were to ask me to watch their kids for a little while I wouldn't expect any payment. Unless you have agreed to get paid beforehand, then you shouldn't be complaining. Some very stingy people here

yeah, I watch my little cousins all the time and just enjoy doing it. I would never ask for money or assume I was getting paid, but four days is a long time....

theres a big difference between watching their kids "for a little bit" and watching them for four entire days. hell, even babysitting for four days is different from being the only care provider for the same amount of time. OP isnt wrong for expecting to be compensated to his time (time that he may have had to take off of his regular job)

kapowi 0

Precisely. Is it so hard to do a favor for your family? No, that's what I thought. Kids are kids, if you weren't prepared to watch them, and are just going to complain about how hard it was, then just don't agree to do it. Simple? Exactly. YDI for being that disrespectful to a gift from your family.

KatyaZ 1

I agree. Also your probably the only one that got a souvenir

Haaa. Although that might be a bit immature, I would let my parents confront them (I'm not sure how old you are, but anything

I would hope that he is old enough to talk to the cousins himself, if he was trusted with the lives of two little kids for four whole days...

NGM_47 0

FYL! They should have paid you in advance or something...or at least they should have told you how much you were going to get paid, even if it is family, you deserve to get paid. Your cousin is a bitch!

you should come back at night and kidnap their kids.