By thisblows - 16/03/2011 16:50 - United States

Today, my boyfriend was going down on me. I started to moan right when I was about to climax. He got worried, stopped and asked, "Are you okay?!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 816
You deserved it 8 735

Same thing different taste

Top comments


kmorasgirl 2

I wish my bf would go down on me -.1

Then tell him that you want him to go down on you.

i refuse to comment. oh wait, i just did. son of a-- |the kid|

SirEBC 7

385 because 324 can only look but not touch. it physically upset him. duhhhhh

Ok im sorry but OP youre a bitch, he was just worried about you! It means he cares enough to worry if ur getting hurt!

this would happen to me when my gf at the time gave me head. apparently I breathe funny when i'm excited?

Jessalynnbaby 0

umm you should be grateful that he cares. some guys would even do that. so what's the fml? nothing, now if someone came in or such, then that would be a fml.

Don´t be to harsh on the guy, might have been the first time he made a girl moan and everything new is scary.

MehSuperiorStyle 1

that's sweet. you should've just told him you were fine and/or explain why u moaned.

aw well at least he showed he cared about u