By LonelySanta - 24/12/2009 08:18 - Australia

Today, I went home, where I live alone, from my dorm room at my university. The only Christmas cards I had received were addressed to the person that lived there before me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 650
You deserved it 2 445

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do you have a "home, where [you] live alone" and live in a dorm room. That doesn't make any sense at all. Why in the world would you pay for both? And if you don't have to pay for one of them, then WHY do you pay for the other. This makes absolutely no sense.


hah maybe your friends ate waiting to throw you a surprise party later? think on the bright side

...and be terribly disappointed when there is no surprise party.

that's ashame, merry Christmas to you! from me

oh_dee 0

Maybe no one knows your address if you didn't give it to anybody?

duh you're in college....people still send christmas cards to your family, not to you personally.

hijueputa 0

Stop crying, try spending holidays while you're in the military...

I just did, and it's the same as back home with all the technology we have access to nowadays. But of course, I speak for myself.

perdix 29

And how many did you send, douchebag? I think in your part of the world, you say Happy Christmas instead of Merry Christmas like we do in the US of A. So, Happy Christmas, Douchebag! Do a Print Screen of this tape it to your ******* wall!

FMyBoringLife143 0

I'm from Australia and I say Merry Christmas... a bit harsh from someone ignorant like yourself don't you think?

He's American so of course he's ignorant

devildog42787 0

Yep there is nothing like christmas in Iraq

Hey we appreciate you. I'm a democrat and I don't support war but I support the troops I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. Stay safe and return to your family, friends, and home soon. God bless.

Why do you have a "home, where [you] live alone" and live in a dorm room. That doesn't make any sense at all. Why in the world would you pay for both? And if you don't have to pay for one of them, then WHY do you pay for the other. This makes absolutely no sense.

I was thinking the same thing!!! Why have a home where you live alone, AND a dorm room? Makes no sense to me.

Since the letters he received were for the person who lived at the house before my guess is that he had just recently bought the house and was in the process of moving from the dorm to the house

so THAT'S where Charlie Brown moved to.