He's a keeper

By Anonymous - 11/01/2023 03:00 - United States

Today, I got the news that my ex-boyfriend from two years ago died in a car crash. My fiancé found me crying in the living room when he came home from work. When he found out why I was inconsolable, he said, "Make sure you say hi to that abusive turd in hell for me, thanks for everything." He is now staying at a hotel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 856
You deserved it 1 603

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My first reaction will be to not understand how can your fiance be so insensitive. But what he said left me puzzled. Was your ex-boyfriend abusive? Was your fiance the one to pick up the pieces? Something just doesn't add up


You should have pulled your shit together when your fiancé came home. I guess you weren't really over him.

My first reaction will be to not understand how can your fiance be so insensitive. But what he said left me puzzled. Was your ex-boyfriend abusive? Was your fiance the one to pick up the pieces? Something just doesn't add up

That's so shitty of your so called fiance. You can be over someone and have been abused and still cry and grieve if something happens to them. Don't let him back. He abandoned him when you needed him. He will do it again

if I found out that my abusive ex died ( yes, I have one ) I would have met my fiance at the door with champagne and had the party music on. it was kinda shitty that he just left you like that though.