By jaxattax - 20/10/2009 20:17 - United States

Today, my boyfriend gave me a fancy chocolate candy and I got angry at him for forgetting that I'm allergic to chocolate and threw the candy into the garbage disposal. Turns out, he had spent a ton of money getting a chocolatier to put an engagement ring inside the candy that I just destroyed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 553
You deserved it 82 894

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KaylaKiwified 0

I'm going to say you're incredibly stupid here, and YDI. And HDI, too. He should've remembered something like that, and maybe put it in something you aren't allergic to, like roses, or something. And why didn't you just throw it in the trash? Do you always throw things down the garbage disposal first?

But still...why would he hide the ring in something he knew you were allergic to?


He attempted to propose with something you're allergic to... ???

YDI for being not being able to enjoy chocolate like human beings.

As cute as the ring in the chocolate was, it was stupid of your BF to to do it if he knew you were allergic to chocolate. Maybe you didn't need to throw it like that (though I would have probably been mad too if my BF seemed to just forget something like that when I was in the hospital) but it was but your BF should have known better. How was she supposed to find the ring if she couldn't eat it guys? Just break it up into pieces for fun?

Wow, you're a little bit of a bitch anyway - even if he didnt put the engagement ring in there, you shouldn't just throw it away. You could have said something like; 'Thank you but Im allergic to chocolate' not 'Raarrrrrr chocolate = my death rarrrr'

Well, your boyfriend is a stupid jackass, but you overreacted. TBH, I don't think either of you should be getting married right now.

AnnoyingFlamingo 0

What a sweet surprise. Fish it out of the disposal. If your hands get amputated then your boyfriend will have justice. Go get it out now stumpy. Go go move along.

hmmmm - maybe "thanks for the thought babe, but I'm allergic... you have it..." instead you're like "thanks for the chocolate babe (sarcasm) but I'm a jerk..."

He deserved it for still puttin it into chocolate

Stupid bitch. I hope he left you after that