By jaxattax - 20/10/2009 20:17 - United States

Today, my boyfriend gave me a fancy chocolate candy and I got angry at him for forgetting that I'm allergic to chocolate and threw the candy into the garbage disposal. Turns out, he had spent a ton of money getting a chocolatier to put an engagement ring inside the candy that I just destroyed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 553
You deserved it 82 894

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KaylaKiwified 0

I'm going to say you're incredibly stupid here, and YDI. And HDI, too. He should've remembered something like that, and maybe put it in something you aren't allergic to, like roses, or something. And why didn't you just throw it in the trash? Do you always throw things down the garbage disposal first?

But still...why would he hide the ring in something he knew you were allergic to?


Wow you are ungrateful. And FYI, just because someone is allergic to something it doesn't mean they don't eat it still. I am allergic to raw salmon but try to stop me having sushi!!

Ha! It would be a woman to be so emotional about something like that.I dont believe there is love in your relationship.Then again I dont think true love can exist with how the modern world is.

collxgoldy 0

your a bitch for doing that... and uhmm i saw this same thing on so if your lide average or ****** up..make up your mind

Whether you're allergic to chocolate or not, with your over-dramatic reaction (garbage disposal.. Really? Might as well rip out his heart and shove that in there too while you're at it. I mean, way to freak out when someone does something nice for you) I'm surprised he was going to purpose to you at all.

How is throwing it in the garbage disposal overdramatic? I mean, how's that much different from throwing it the trash? What if you someone you were very close too (close enough to be married apparently) gave you food you were allergic too as a present? You'd probably be kinda pissed and throw it away. Although, I do wonder why the boyfriend didn't try to stop her.

As a chocolatier, I don't see why it would be super expensive to put a damn ring in a piece of chocolate. If anything, it'd just crack when it sets even if it was tempered properly. If it wasn't tempered it definitely shouldn't have been expensive.

sportsnut 0

i think you missed the detail about the GARBAGE DISPOSAL. That might just maybe quite possibly probably ruin the shit out of the ring when turned on....with how this bitch over reacted, i'm sure thats exactly what she did

DramaConChristy 0

I actually understand how you feel. I am severely allergic to peanuts, and if a guy gave me a Recces peanut butter cup with a ring in it, I would dump it down the disposal too, because it would make me feel unloved if the guy I was going out with forgot I was allergic to peanuts. I would feel uneasy, because if I was going out with someone that forgot I was allergic to peanuts i would dump him, because what if he had peanut butter and kissed me? I would die. And how would people expect me to risk my life because there may or may not be a ring in there? If I would be her boyfriend, I would make sure to put the ring in something else than chocolate and make sure it was safe for her. Then I would TELL her that it was safe for her to eat before giving it to her. God people! Give the poor girl a break...

Why are people so willing to make assumptions and throw around the word "bitch?" A woman gets angry at her boyfriend over something 'small' and she's automatically a 'bitch.' In this case, we can't really know, because we don't know how angry or "melodramatic" she really got or how justified she'd be in doing so-- how many times has he forgotten that she's allergic to chocolate? How serious is her allergy? Etc. I was once really serious with a guy who said he really loved me but after three years still couldn't remember my birthday or that my ears weren't pierced (bought me earrings, twice). Yes, it's a nice gesture-- about as personalized and thoughtful as having your secretary send your wife a Christmas present that she doesn't even like. Chances are if they've been together long enough and are serious enough that he's considering proposing, she has a right to be upset that he'd go to the trouble of getting her a present that only shows he either doesn't know her all that well or wasn't thinking/paying close enough attention. And she was probably even more rightfully upset once she found out what was inside of it--Getting married is a big deal, and if he put enough planning into it to think about hiding the ring in some clever way, why wasn't he careful enough to remember that she'd never find the ring like that without it possibly killing her?!? She didn't know how big a gesture she was throwing away, and of course she threw it away--is she going to keep a kind gesture from her man that simply reminds her how little-well he knows her or remembers important details about her? Especially when it's something meant to be eaten and isn't really keep-able in the first place? And don't a lot of people throw food down a garbage disposal? I know my mom always did, so we wouldn't get ants in the trashcan. All of you looking for an anonymous forum and easy excuse to call someone a bitch or pass judgement on other people's relationships and emotions, grow the F up already and find a better outlet for your hatefulness!

TenebrificTurtle 0

Indiana Jane I love you. But we shall never be together, for I am in love with another and would feel horrible breaking two hearts--I travel with the wind. Sorry that was retarded lol. I agree with you totally. While it is fun to call her a dramatic bitch she is also deathly alergic to it. Its like my friend always freaks out with bees and her boyfriend laughs his ass off--well until the time she was actually stung and he had forgotten her medicine stick thing (told her it was in his bag) and she had to go to the hospital. I understand, if the ring were not in there and there weren't so many bitter women (lol) without thoughtful boyfriends we might all agree this was terrible for her and she should get a new man. Involve weddings and the possibility of TRUE ******* LOVE and people freak out. Anyways. Thanks.

#236: Best comment. Although it's the Internet, so the people calling her a bitch probably don't care :(

iliketoreadfmls 0

I love you. This is one of the most sensible comments I've ever seen.

You get the "Smart troll is smart" award for this thread. I like logic, it tastes like candy!

wow. way to be self centered. i hope he dumps you.

Jacks_Penguin 0