By Drunkactor - 03/08/2019 06:00 - United States

Today, my boss fired me because of my drinking problem. The reason he thinks I have a drinking problem? I was in a play he saw, in which I played a drunk person. I've been completely sober my whole life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 112
You deserved it 113

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sorry but he was already looking for a reason to let u go.

Preeeetty sure there's some lines for wrongful termination in there. Yeah it'd suck to go back and he'd be out to get you (Or already has been) but it would be a job until you found another!


Sorry but he was already looking for a reason to let u go.

WeirdUS 29

So despite being sober your whole life you where able to convincingly play a drunk that he believed you had a problem? Right....

Alup132 22

I mean, OP might have taken acting lessons or something. I’m not quite old enough to drink and I’ve messed around with friends who said I acted drunk. It’s not terribly hard, and I’m sure OP is so much better than I am.

WeirdUS 29

Being sleep deprived has many of the same effects. It is possible but I feel like there is more to the story. Like they were so sleep deprived they thought they were drunk. I find it hard to belive that just based on the play alone that was enough to get fired.

... what do you think how people play a drunk? Get wasted enough to get addicted and then watch themselves in the mirror at all times?

slowhandjp 16

Are you an actress or something? If so,you've got the GIFT.✨

Preeeetty sure there's some lines for wrongful termination in there. Yeah it'd suck to go back and he'd be out to get you (Or already has been) but it would be a job until you found another!

Maybe your acting sucks? Since you’ve been sober your whole life, perhaps you play the drunk like a clown, like Foster Brooks or “Drunk Uncle?”

Skydome6666 6

your acting must be straight fire

A: Your boss is majorly ****** in the head if they are holding the actions of a fictional character against the real person who played them. Does he think Keanu Reeves is really a mass murderer because of John Wick? Shit. B: This is one hundred percent an illegal reason to fire someone. Even if you can't afford a lawyer, talking to one about the potential case is free and many will take on a solid case for a % of the winnings or something like that, so you should at least look into it.