By Anonymous - 01/02/2015 10:21 - United States

Today, my boss explained that the company will be letting me go. She got so upset that she couldn't leave her office and I had to console her. I had to make her feel less sad for laying me off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 045
You deserved it 2 696

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well then you must be a great employee OP. Hopefully you won't have much trouble getting a new job with a good recommendation

You're a good person OP. Sounds like you'll have a good reference at least.


UhHuhHoney 20

Aw, not a lot of bosses out there that value their employees.

Guard_Babe 19

She seems like she really cares for you. You must be a great person if not a great employee. Keep your head up because something great will come your way!

lalundsten 16

You must have been a really good employee. I mean, she cried, at least she didn't yell at you.

I hope you asked for a good letter of recommendation. If you didn't you should call or email her and ask for one. At least like other people on here have said in so many words that you know she didn't agree with your being let go and that means something towards you and your working abilities. Go to your next interview(s) with confidence and good luck! I wish you the best. :)

At least that shows it wasn't her choice and she didn't want to do it. I see it as a reflection of how well of a job you did. Either that or she doesn't like giving bad news.

She could have stood up for you, by didn't. You are right to be angry at her.

colvindj 22

A boss that actually cares is dime a dozen

You seem like you had a great boss. She must have really appreciated you as a worker and sad to have to let you go. Also being the bearer of bad news sucks and I'm wondering if you already knew this lay off was coming and not surprised or it just hasn't hit you yet?