By thatsmejl - 15/09/2011 13:47 - United States

Today, I had to fire an employee because she constantly calls in, or is late to work. She became very emotional and I felt kind of bad, so I walked her out myself. We then got stuck in the company elevator. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 163
You deserved it 3 949

Same thing different taste

Top comments

enonymous 8

"so what's your plans for the weekend?"


well now you have plenty of time to explain why she sux at her job

olpally 32

As long as no one cuts a silent but deadly fart.. Then it's not so bad op..

Now that she's not an employee anymore you can solicit sex from her! Boo yah. Just kidding. Awkward moment cuz.

Solicit her for sex?? Do prostitutes work in high-rises now??

leadman1989 15

At least you're not a douche. Like when Dale was firing all those people on King of the hill.

tsim_fml 0

i saw that 2 nights ago... who else?

MizzErikaHart 8

That's nice op didn't make her do the walk of shame alone...

enonymous 8

"so what's your plans for the weekend?"

lolololer 8

"nothing much just going to make a voodoo doll with your face"

Arsonnist 3

"Well, I don't have a job anymore, so..."

enonymous 8

43 - I do that to all FML Commenters. Not strange in my eyes

jellitonoctopus 19

Well that's really kind of you. No good deed goes unpunished?

structuredchaoz 4

There are plenty of punctual unemployed people right now who deserve that job. Well done.

Perfect time to give her a second chance and for you to get some head in return ;)