By kellyem2 - 03/03/2016 18:21

Today, I found out that when my boss said she was considering bumping me up to full time, she actually meant she was planning on letting me go. Everyone in the office except me knew. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 801
You deserved it 1 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's the cruelest thing ever- why would she get your hopes up like that :(

Sorry, OP. I hope you get a job where they don't crush people's dreams.


Sorry, OP. I hope you get a job where they don't crush people's dreams.

awildwhisper 30

It would have been so much simpler for the boss to just let OP go without lies and drama.

But then the boss wouldn't have been able to ********** to the thought of crushing someones hopes and dreams.

What ****** up corner of the world do you live in, #12?

I think #12 is joking but is alluding to the unecessary action of raising OP's hopes. There was no reason to do that, but one possible cause could be that the boss was simply sadistic.

What if crushing dreams is their job though?

tomjay007 19

Hope you find another or better Job soon

What a cotton-headed ninnymuggins. -Elf

That's the cruelest thing ever- why would she get your hopes up like that :(

Although it's probably not the cruelest thing ever, it was indeed a dick move on the part of the boss.

True- maybe that was a slight exaggeration :)

Well they did bump OP up, right up to full unemployment.

friedpwnadge 25

At least you're away from such a snide piece of shit and office full of jackasses. You can find a better job, but she'll always be miserable.

strawberrydreams 18

Wow, what a bitch move on the boss' end. I hope you find another job that'll treat you right.

depending on the circumstances of your termination and length of time employed you may be able to file for unemployment and or sue. I would look into it if I were you Op

I'm surprised as to how the others 'knew'?

What tickles me more than what the boss did is that everyone was aware... All your colleagues knew and no one was kind enough to tell you... Hope no one in there pretended to be your friend! FYL

So she bumped you up to full time unemployment? Such a bitch move.

RA91 26

I hit "YDI" by mistake...that's sucks op. Hope you get a much better job!