By Noname - 13/02/2009 17:46 - United States

Today, I went to the gym to run. I ended up at the hospital because i went into anaphylactic shock. Apparently I'm allergic to exercise now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 265
You deserved it 3 677

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Look on the bright side, at least you'll get to meet Dr. House because of it.

It happens if youre just a little allergic to something you eat before you exercise. It's common so don't feel bad and tell anyone who says anything to get ******


Look on the bright side, at least you'll get to meet Dr. House because of it.

It happens if youre just a little allergic to something you eat before you exercise. It's common so don't feel bad and tell anyone who says anything to get ******

RockinCrystal76 0

Wow!! I have never heard of this - EIA first discovered in 1979... You learn something new everyday.

Because that's how it works. Because she goes into anaphylactic shock , she's a bitch. Good to know.

o.o you can be allergic to exercise? guess i learnt something new today.. lols

Wow...I have never heard of that before. Sorry...

IT SUX! I've been epileptic my whole life and for some reason a quack doctor decided to change my meds when I was seventeen and 155 lbs. First med gave me horrible burning in the stomach, second caused me to gain 35 lbs in 3 months. I then got EIA from the paper mill in the town I lived in. I'm a fat slob and I hate it.

It amazes me when people are jealous of others medical conditions. Personally, I'm glad I can work out and lose weight when I want to. I'm on enough meds already.