By bit - 30/07/2009 10:01 - United States

Today, me and my girls went to get revenge on a girl who slept with my boyfriend by egging her house. Her house was too far away so we decided to get her truck. We wasted a carton of eggs on her driveway because we all have terrible aim and look incredibly stupid for missing so bad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 481
You deserved it 64 444

Same thing different taste

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First, you shouldn't be mad at her. HE is the one who dogged you. Secondly, grow up, get a life and realize that anyone who makes you that angry and treats you like that isn't worth the power it takes to squish a bug. What a waste. Go find someone who acctually loves you and wants to be with you. Come on, suck it up and move on, and have a nice day. You deserve better.

Lolbrittany 0

should've egged HIS house/vehicle.


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FML please never let the Jackass crew moderate and pick the FML's ever again.

Oh c'mon! Cut them some slack. It's their first time trying to do something like this. And, even if they don't catch on to how to pick decent FMLs, are you really going to die waiting 24hrs for them to go and FML to come back? Can't you think of something ELSE to do today instead of sitting at your computer waiting for more FMLs? God, some people... Yeah, OP, you suck. FYL for being an idiot, and FOurLs for having to put up for people like you. Go fall in a ditch and die.


hey bros this bitch disveres it, you cant do tat to a bitch wit no ass LIL WAYNE 4 LIFE

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boysxrulex09, you are officially the worst troll in the history of trolling. You aren't funny and you sound like you're 10. I recommend that in the future you not use the internet anymore without parental supervision.

#102 He's either (a) a 12 year old boy or (b) a ******. Those are the only people that think women are useless.

Haha, either that or gay. And, to be fair, girls do "suck". ;) EDIT: @#112: You're forgetting c.) asexual d.) sexist.

icall_BS 0

No,Women suck. However vaginas and **** are MMM MMM. Delicious. Too bad theyre attached to a women.

The BOYFRIEND is the cheater, the girl didn't know! Damn it, you ignorant bitches.

If you douche bags saying "females suck" haven't realised, without females you wouldn't exist. So many stupid people these days, makes me sad to be human…

First, you shouldn't be mad at her. HE is the one who dogged you. Secondly, grow up, get a life and realize that anyone who makes you that angry and treats you like that isn't worth the power it takes to squish a bug. What a waste. Go find someone who acctually loves you and wants to be with you. Come on, suck it up and move on, and have a nice day. You deserve better.

That was my thought. I mean what kind of lame, useless, desperate person are you? Your boyfriend cheats on you and you get mad at the GIRL and egg HER house? WTF is your problem? OP: you are a complete idiot and deserve it and more

Ahhh, foo on you. Egging's fun :c And she has every right to be mad at the girl; she probably KNEW that was her boyfriend and still did the dirty with him. Otherwise she probably wouldn't be so mad. However, it's not her house she should have egged, it's the boyfriend's... and instead of eggs, it should be pads and used tampons. Dohohoho. Also, 99, I lol'd

THAT is just wrong, not to mention a health hazzard. Criminals who spit at officers are charged with a crime. Think twice, is it really worth it? Really? No, just time wasted you cant get back.

Have you never gone padding before? TPing? Egging? Soaping? ANYTHING? It's endless amounts of fun. Aren't most things fun technically a "waste of time"? I'd definitely say it's worth it, be it joke or serious.

unless you throw like a girl how do you miss a truck 12 times!!!!!! Thats epic

Well, want to know the funny thing about the OP? The OP IS a girl! So, she being a girl, she would technically "throw like a girl". But shhh, it's a secret. We don't want other idiots like you to catch on. It ruins the fun of being able to read "on a girl who slept with my boyfriend" and understand the implications of it.

HamsteronA 0

nothing is a waste of time if you enjoy it. it's not wasted then.

I was totally going to say the same thing! Except for the fact that if she's that immature she doesn't deserve someone better... She needs to learn to be alone and grow up.

I 100 percent agree. shouldn't we be mad at the boyfriend? he cheated! she had no obligation to you. ydi

Emokidabbey 0

Soo true!!! Its not the girl's fault. It is his for not caring enough to not cheat one u

yes it's childish as hell, but doing silly childish things sometimes is the best therapy. Especially for complicated shit. At least she's not hurting anyone, and it's better than doing nth and moping about it like a real loser. The bitch deserves more than an egging.. and the bf was more at fault

Yeah its obviously her fault and your bf couldnt help it. Enjoy your life as a cumdumpster.

meeeep 0

you could have just walked down the driveway to get a better aim...

Lolbrittany 0

should've egged HIS house/vehicle.

caramelize 0

Agreed. It's completely and totally your BF's fault.

ahahaha. so when people say "you throw like a girl" you are no longer allowed to be offended ps- stop messing with people's cars

brrrx 0

I'm now offended that, as a girl, I've been grouped in the same category as the OP. She's an embarassment to anyone with two X chromosomes. I can't even really believe this happened. I mean, it's a truck - stand as close to it as you want. Why wouldn't you just stand right next to the truck and push the eggs against the car until they broke? Can't really miss that way.

She didn't do that because she is a woman, and women are stupid...She was probably too busy fixing her tampon to think about moving closer.

"F my life because I threw eggs in somebody's driveway?" The mods aren't even trying anymore!

adelaide_evening 0

Hey, didn't you read!? She wasted an entire CARTON of eggs! We all know a carton of eggs is insanely expensive, and her wasting a couple of dollars is definitely what she should be worrying about in such a situation. [sarcasm]

alex_vik 0

I think you mean "The Jackass crew aren't even trying".

lmmmr 0

The Jackass crew clearly have no sense of humor beyond electrifying eachother's nipples. These FMLs are terrible.

adelaide_evening 0

Hey, look on the bright side: At least you were mature and realized it was all that dumb bitch's fault and your boyfriend is at no fault whatsoever. She probably tied him down to a chair and seduced him as he was screaming, "No, please, think of my wonderful girlfriend!" Oh, wait.....