Experimentation is good

By Anonymous - 30/10/2019 00:01

Today, I was at my friend's place with a bunch of people. I saw a pair of panties in his laundry basket, so of course I yelled, "DUDE! YOU GOT LAID!" Turns out he didn't get laid, he was 'experimenting'. He was so mortified, he burst out crying and threw us all out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 175
You deserved it 2 484

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do you always invade other people's privacy, or are you only interested when there's a chance they've had sex? Apologize to your friend for being a shit, and tell him you'll be there to support him if he wants it.

Dick move. Not everyone wants to announce the world they had sex


Dick move. Not everyone wants to announce the world they had sex

Do you always invade other people's privacy, or are you only interested when there's a chance they've had sex? Apologize to your friend for being a shit, and tell him you'll be there to support him if he wants it.

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

I take it you're a virgin as that's what one would say

EmDizzle2007 28

to level out the stupid in the comments... reach out to your friend and him know you aren't there to judge him and that you feel bad for making him feel the way you did.

your a good person, thank you for being you☺

EmDizzle2007 28

thank you. I've been on both ends of a mistake between friends. saying you're sorry can go a long way when you really mean it