By BirthdayFail - 14/08/2012 07:57 - United States - Milwaukee

Today, it's my birthday. Today is also the day my grandma died, six years ago. Since then, I get to sit through any sort of attempted celebration while my mom sobs and drinks herself into a stupor in the background. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 482
You deserved it 1 755

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Try Turning it into a celebration of your grandmas life as well?


My dad died 5 days after my birthday. And the following year I had a 12 hour surgery for kidney cancer on my birthday! I feel your pain!

My sisters birthday is today to. Sad to hear about your day OP .. YLS

Sorry, OP. Perhaps your family can plan something separate to honor grandma each year, and in the meantime can get help for your mom. Good luck, and happy birthday to you!

I find it odd that people do this. Yes I understand the hurt of losing someone and I've felt it as well (so don't say I'm a sociopath or something). But look your parents are 20 to 30 years older than you so they will die 25 to 35 years before you (because with improvements in medicine and health care we are living longer than our elders), so you should be expecting them to die before you. It's the natural path of life.

crystalblue7511 6

Can someone tell me how she deserves this? Its not like she murdered her grandma.

It's been 6 years since grandma died! It's time for your mom to pull up the big girl panties and move on!

I know how you feel. My grandfather died on my birthday 6 years ago.

amartinez65 2

My great grandma died on my sixth birthday and i was coincidently named after her. I know how this feels. Its been 10 years now its always the same.