By BirthdayFail - 14/08/2012 07:57 - United States - Milwaukee

Today, it's my birthday. Today is also the day my grandma died, six years ago. Since then, I get to sit through any sort of attempted celebration while my mom sobs and drinks herself into a stupor in the background. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 481
You deserved it 1 755

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Try Turning it into a celebration of your grandmas life as well?


Blondie0495 2
rocketpopper1030 11

This is really no fml. Your boyfriend sounds sweet

Wow, how inconsiderate of your grandmother, dying on your birthday. Someone should tell her and your mother off.

hateevryone 14
stump11knights 10

Happy belated birthday! Sorry about your grandma :(

Happy Birthday OP. Obviously you're mother isn't coping well with the loss of her mother. That's unfortunate OP, but it can take some people a lot long than others to come to terms with loss. Maybe she had unresolved issues with your grandmother, or something like that.

wow, can't she just let go of her mom and your grandma? if it makes you feel any better my adoptive parents put me in a syc-ward because I was carrying gas to the lawn mower, although they didn't see the mower, they thought i was gonna burn down the house, so I spent my 14th birthday in the ER, and happy birthday to you! and may your next one be a lot more memorable

Happy Birthday! Sorry for your loss!

fudgeimout 2

It's okay I was born when Caesar was assassinated. Life goes on.

Funny my mom does the same on my birthday, except noone died on my birthday