It's all too much

By Anonymous - 09/01/2022 19:01 - United States - Steele

Today, I took a day off from work for a doctor's appointment. It ended up taking a lot longer than I expected, because while I was on my way, my mom called to inform me that my great aunt passed away this morning. As a result, I showed up extremely late and was berated. And the worst part? It's my birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 285
You deserved it 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

randybryant799 20

I'm not understanding why the death of your aunt made you late?

I know, right! The death of his great aunt made her "late," but it shouldn't have affected him so much.


I'm sure the burning question on everyone's mind is: Did you great aunt manage to get your birthday present in the mail before she shuffled off this mortal coil?

randybryant799 20

I'm not understanding why the death of your aunt made you late?

I know, right! The death of his great aunt made her "late," but it shouldn't have affected him so much.

HereWeGo24 6

Ignore the 55 people that said you deserve it