By mcpeepants - 08/01/2010 17:56 - United States

Today, I found out I've recently developed a bladder control issue. Every time I lift anything more than about fifteen pounds, I pee myself a little. I work in a warehouse. Heavy lifting is my job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 287
You deserved it 2 694

Same thing different taste

Top comments

EricJ 3

Talk to a doctor about getting pills to help with that.

Is this a recent development? Could be symptomatic of another problem.


Forget the diapers, just wear a short skirt with no panties, and pee on the floor. The boss'll move you on to an easier job quickly enough

FCChelsea 3

YDI for not taking bladder control medication.

Americunt 0

Maybe she did, and it does not work well enough. Rather, maybe her situation to the doctor was not solved. Either ways, you have no right to tell her 'YDI.' ***** like you make the interwebz to fail. FYL, OP.

EricJ 3

Talk to a doctor about getting pills to help with that.

Is this a recent development? Could be symptomatic of another problem.

Roseicat 16

Pelvic floor exsersizes needed :) :L

b_r_o_w_n_i_e 0

Sounds like stress urinary incontinence...there's a Dr. that specializes in these types of problems, a Uro-gynecologist.