By BirthdayFail - 14/08/2012 07:57 - United States - Milwaukee

Today, it's my birthday. Today is also the day my grandma died, six years ago. Since then, I get to sit through any sort of attempted celebration while my mom sobs and drinks herself into a stupor in the background. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 482
You deserved it 1 755

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Try Turning it into a celebration of your grandmas life as well?


graphicstyle7 17

You are still alive, your mom should be celebrating that instead of raining on your parade. Also, sounds like she needs some therapy to get over it. My advice? Get out of that house and find a life for yourself that's a bit more focused on you, not your mother and her issues.

I'm so sorry... I understand that your mom is sad and stuff, but it's been six years. She could try to pull herself together for her own daughter's birthday.

happy birthday happy birthday happybirthday to you! an youre grandma:) nobody is ever really gone, comfort your mom and make the best out of your birthday! but remember dont let the phantom get near you

I'm sorry OP, but I can't help but see you as a bit selfish. by the sounds of it, this was probably your maternal grandmother and so your mother lost her mom. Six years is not enough to heal that wound, you'll know when your mom dies someday.

Well, maybe I'm missing what's special here because I don't celebrate my own birthday. To me it's just another day of the year.

Because caring for another is worth something, caring about myself is nothing. The OP should be helping her mother bear that heavy weight instead of complaining about the party.

Happy belated birthday then and sorry about your loss. Try talking to your mom about it or take her to her grave or ashes and just sorta talk it out.

tomakobriefs 11

My grandpa died on my birthday. I know the feeling. You're probably never going to get a reminder-free birthday again. Good luck.

lexiieeex3 32

Reminds me of those poor kids born on 9/11.

ellytoad 13

One unfortunate girl I read about isn't allowed to celebrate her birthday because of that. It made me so angry!

however unfortunate your mom is upset on your birthday. you have to be understanding. losing your mother (if close to you) is one of if not the hardest things a person will ever go through.

mrnuleef 7

Hey cheer up, your grandma would want for you to have a happy birthday, and your fml community wishes the same. Next year tell your mom to drink in celebration of your grandma's life, not mourn over her death. And tell your mom to celebrate the present, your grandma would want that. I really do wish you a happy birthday from the heart and a better birthday next year.

Too bad to hear. I kind of know how it is, my sister passed away on valentines day.