
By Anonymous - 21/10/2015 04:09 - United States - Redlands

Today, it was my birthday. It was also the only day my family wanted to hold the graveside funeral for my grandmother, who passed last week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 138
You deserved it 2 693

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CliffyB03 28
Wiringify 22

First of all, you do not celebrate deaths. You celebrate happy events. Secondly, from a rational point of view, you should give priority to people that are alive. Funerals can be arranged to take place on a certain day, but you cannot choose the date you were born on. Also, I doubt repeating the word '*******' three times in your comment makes it right.


CliffyB03 28
friedpwnadge 25

You will be able to celebrate more birthdays in the future, but your grandmother won't.

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I would probably complain as well, given that, you know, they could do it a day before or after the birthday. Not exactly ON it OP could also be complaining because he/she saw the birthday as an opportunity to get over the grandma's drath

I'm sorry but it's a ******* birthday. Are you seriously suggesting they move the celebration of the death of a loved one so ******* OP can celebrate a birthday? How ******* selfish can you be.

Wiringify 22

First of all, you do not celebrate deaths. You celebrate happy events. Secondly, from a rational point of view, you should give priority to people that are alive. Funerals can be arranged to take place on a certain day, but you cannot choose the date you were born on. Also, I doubt repeating the word '*******' three times in your comment makes it right.

liquifiednate 21

I think #23 did that on purpose. Because everyone is acting like his birthday will only last this one time where as his grandpas funeral can be done any time. No one also took into account though that maybe OP's family was too busy throughout the rest of the week to hold the funeral and this would've been the only day good enough to do it. It may seem like it isn't but planning a funeral and getting it to fit into everyone's schedule takes a lot of time and effort.

Tbh it sounds to me like that's the day most of the family could make the funeral, so it's only really fair it's then. It is sad but you can celebrate your birthday another time, your family need this step of grieving soon

ndnpride88 25

Maybe he was just trying to be sarcastic and make a joke. Wasn't a good one

I think #47 is probably right. The rest of the family may have engagements they cannot get out of, while OP can most likely celebrate with their friends and a few family members some other day. That being said though, I don't think it's horrible of OP to complain, as long as they do it discretely (like on FML) rather than in front of the grieving. If they complained in front of others, or goodness forbid at the funeral, then that is just completely tasteless and spoiled. But I understand how horrible it can be. When I was a kid, my father's major surgery was scheduled on my birthday and I, despite knowing it was illogical, felt like me and the day of my birthday were cursed. Besides, like someone said, they might have been hoping to use that day as an emotional "boost." Also, such a sad memory as going to their grandma's funeral on their bday (assuming they were close) could very well become anchored into their memory. So on every subsequent birthday of their life they will always be reminded of this event, therefore adding a permanent melancholic tone to the day.

OP here, you are exactly right. I never complained about this in front of my family. Believe it or not this wasn't an insensitive post as I love my Grandma dearly and was torn to pieces at her passing. Burying her hurt me and was the saddest day of my life far overshadowing my birthday. I only wish I didn't associate her death with the day of my birthday for years on out. It's no ones fault, it's just unfortunate it had to happen that way. It has been 11 years since her passing and I grieve on my birthday every year the memory resurfaces. Gotta vent somewhere hence the FML!

justcommenting19 19

Oh that sucks... That happened to my boyfriend, his family decided to hold a funeral of a dead aunt on his birthday and she passed a week prior. I'm really sorry.. Try to gather a couple friends after the funeral and just unwind. Or maybe just celebrate it another day :)

My mum and sister have their birthdays two days apart, and when my nan died we had one funeral in England on my mum's birthday and one funeral in another country where my nan was to be buried on my sister's birthday. Both of them really hated it, understandably.

Well, you could always go Lion King at the funeral. "It's the circle of life, and it moves us all. Through despair and hope... Now we find my cake, on the path unwinding, in the circle of life...."

Now your birthdays going to be thought of as the day your family buried your grandma. That really sucks op.

Thanks Captain obvious. Felt like rubbing it in did we?

megs925 16

I understand your point of view OP. I had a cousin die on my 19th bday and my family wanted to "celebrate her life"- you guessed it-the day of my birthday instead of on her birthday. Still don't understand why they'd want to celebrate the day she died though..

I'm sorry OP! Happy birthday anyway and sorry for your loss!