By BirthdayFail - 14/08/2012 07:57 - United States - Milwaukee

Today, it's my birthday. Today is also the day my grandma died, six years ago. Since then, I get to sit through any sort of attempted celebration while my mom sobs and drinks herself into a stupor in the background. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 481
You deserved it 1 755

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Try Turning it into a celebration of your grandmas life as well?


Mine died the day after mine and her birthday is my parents anniversary, i feel your pain.

This happened to my daughter. On her seventh b-day (in 2001), her grandfather on her dad's side died. It's now a celebration and a day of sorrow for her.

I feel your pain. My grandpa died on my birthday when I was 9. Its never been the same.