By Snurkles - 07/07/2011 12:19 - Canada

Today, it's my birthday. I got a phone call from my high school bully, to remind me that he'll always be able to find me and do whatever he wants to me. He does this every year. I turn 34 today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 096
You deserved it 7 072

Same thing different taste

Top comments


mhinaj 0

stand up for urself???????????

You still have the same phone number?!

So it's either because (1) you have not moved, (2) you have the same phone number, or (3) he is stalking you. . .

maybe next year you will talk to a lawyer to figure out how to have a cop over to listen in on the conversation and have him arrested or sue him in small claims court. You could always just record the call, and play it for your mom and have her call his mother.

CMarchand 0
icefshng8 9

thats a threat call the cops and get him back lol

for all of you people saying he should call the cops he cant because the bully is not breaking any laws until he gives a specific threat like" i will come to yur house and kill your family " that is assault but before that it is not illegal and in my comment 206 i was talking about if he give a specific threat FYI for all u people who will call me a hypocrite so he has really nothing to call the police about bcuz the bully is not breaking laws

Change your phone number. 'Nuff said.