By lonely. - 15/08/2012 16:46 - United States - Buffalo

Today, it finally clicked in my mind how desperately lonely I am, when I shaved one of my legs just to find out what a woman's leg feels like. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 064
You deserved it 8 917

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Maybe you should shave the other. I'd rather look weird with two shaved legs (if I were a guy) than one shaved and the other hairy.

Who wear's short shorts? Until you shave the other leg, not you op!

mrnuleef 7

Put an ad out on craigslist, or try a dating site. Being alone can really suck, and apparently pushes you to do some weird stuff

Get a puppy. Puppies fix everything. And don't go walking around with chewbacca on one leg and the other "as smooth as a babies bottom." That's just asking for people to laugh at you...

AnyaS 19

But not all girls shave legs. It's all preference.

cantthinkofshit 5

Preference maybe.. Mandatory for sexy time? Almost always.

Not all girls shave their armpits, but would you like to see that when your getting it on... Or at any other time, really? Quick answer: no.

What is with all this sexism? I don't understand why women have to change everything and still aren't good enough. Why don't men shave? Because women have to do all the work.

45- It's not necessarily sexism. It's femininity. I am a feminist, but that just means I believe we should have equal rights socially, politically and economically. I also believe women should embrace their femininity, and their womanhood, not try to shove it off. Personally, I would rather shave or wax and look/feel pretty than have my legs rubbing together like sandpaper.

You think they "SHOULD" do? That's not very feminist of you...

TheDrifter 23

I'm with the unshaven team. A woman's armpits and legs aren't my primary concern. That said, you can't just stop, a 5 day leg stubble will tear your partner to shreds.

hardimanc 1

To be honest, I like my legs and armpits smooth...I like the feel of my legs and it keeps my armpits less smelly

You my friend, are one sad individual. It's not hard to talk to people at all

Seeing are your account name is Alex 69, I really doubt your social standing is any higher than a 12 year old's.

You are better off doing that then having a gf. You save money and can do what ever you want. :-)

BongRipsForJesus 7

If he could even find a gf that would love both him and his one smooth leg. I think you meant "than" instead of "then", that implies that he did one after the other.

PhishloverA 14

YDI. Men aren't supposed to shave their legs