By lonely. - 15/08/2012 16:46 - United States - Buffalo

Today, it finally clicked in my mind how desperately lonely I am, when I shaved one of my legs just to find out what a woman's leg feels like. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 064
You deserved it 8 917

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Might as well shave the other. It'll grow back.

Did you know that women's legs actually have hair on them? You could have felt your own leg without shaving, and pretended it was a woman's leg, because that's probably what one feels like in the winter. Except softer.

I'm sorry that I laughed at that. Here, a special hug all the way from Wales bro :) *hug*

SmileyKyliKins 4

So now you have one gorilla leg and another baby ass leg? Um... Alright.

you should lift up your skirt and see if you still have a ******

Haha.. Bro.. You are decived! If you wanna know how a woman's legs feel.. Shave than rub them in 5 days..

Sicilysstallion 2

Get out there and find yourself a nice lady they are all over the place