By mcullen21 - 12/06/2009 18:50 - United States

Today, In my science class I sit next to my friend Jill. My teacher always gets our names confused calling me Jill and her Liz. She decided to combine our names. I'm now known as Jizz. My teacher clearly has no idea what it means. FML
I agree, your life sucks 157 464
You deserved it 11 710

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tell your teacher what **** means so she looks like a fool in front of the class :)


ely46 0

Maybe your teacher does know what it means but doesn't really like you. FYL anyway

lol, i h8 it wen older ppl say things & they dont realize they mean sumthing else. but that sux, try wearing a nametag?

CONNIE1390 0

hahaha well **** this is great! you're so lucky to have such a beautiful unique name

HeyThereGorgeous 0
L0veh8te 0

He probably does know and thats the funny part. lol

I guess you could slip her an anonymous note with the definition so that she stops saying it......

ziqi92 0

Lill lol **** ROFL i'm laughing sooooo hard right now!

Eelusive 0

Next time she calls you that just politely answer with "yes Mrs Bukaki".

fxdxhk90 0

Theres no way he could continue calling you **** for an extended period of time. The whole class would be cracking up, so unless he is oblivious to the laughter, I don't buy it.