By mcullen21 - 12/06/2009 18:50 - United States

Today, In my science class I sit next to my friend Jill. My teacher always gets our names confused calling me Jill and her Liz. She decided to combine our names. I'm now known as Jizz. My teacher clearly has no idea what it means. FML
I agree, your life sucks 157 464
You deserved it 11 710

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tell your teacher what **** means so she looks like a fool in front of the class :)


Personally I think your teacher is a bit 1337. They obviously know what it means and have just decided to use you as their target for the year. Well played teacher and fyl ****

purupuru 1
xoxo9171 0

haha I don't really see why this is an FML but it's hilarious

jnic 0

Hahah wow. Seriously though, just pull her aside and tell her you prefer not to be called that. If she asks, just reply... "Google it." :p

Walk up to her during a test and tell her what it means quietly but audible to at least the front row. She will turn cherry red, and you will reign queen of humor in class

peopleplz2008 0

there is no way this is true. No one is that dumb

marlux 0

ahahahha u better not be lying

Colby_Colbert 0