By Anonymous - 21/01/2010 14:29 - Canada

Today, I was the only girl in my lab class. The instructor was learning our names. When he came to me, I went to say "mine will be easy" and it came out as "I'm easy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 918
You deserved it 31 009

Same thing different taste

Top comments


HahAboy95 0

sadly, I can see myself doing something like that too. not intentionally of course o.O

astarwarsfan 0

I guess that class (puts on sunglasses) wont be the only easy thing now :)

slushpup9696 12
crazyladydaisy 4

I feel that op did that on purpose. As a way to grab guys attention. Could be wrong tho.

I'm sure a class full of males enjoyed that, did you get raped after?

no__namer 0

You can't rape the willing, if she's easy.


Thats a pretty odd response, I mean, out of the entire group, there will be at least 1 "good Samaritan", who would act as a witness if and when she reported them to the police.

flashback.miss 28

rape me, my friend.... XDXDXD maybe she shoulve said she was a lesbian..

Yeah I'm guessing she totaly got raped but she decide that telling the class that she was easy was a better reason to have a fml.

aw I love people who take everything so seriously and so literally. Your stupidity keeps me entertained. =)

haha fail @ Boddmon they are just joking. and you take things up the butt. and did they have a tpo cause it says "I went to say "mine will be easy"

@magaliwoodrock I was replying to Tkim32 you fool.

tdawgheath 0

Was the sex right there and then, in front of everyone?

flashback.miss 28

SO UH.. How many texts/pics/calls do you get per hour??? and how many times a day does your door get knocked on...dont worry this;; all blow over....eventually.

isitofficial_ 0

you do know that the girl could be pretty ugly right? so she might not have gotten raped or gotten texts or calls saying hey sexy. but since she was in lab the geek was probably the only one who texted/called to her if she was ugly. LOL!

eeeeeeewwww yur gurosss! im telling mommy wat u said

Yeah,, u can be unattractive aand be raped, a lot of rapes are done when spmeone is drunk, so no matter how ugly the person is in the rapists eyes, they can be hot when the rapist is drunk.

rachelmacivor 0

hahaha.. am I the only on who laughed at < BLOW > over? hahahahahahgahagaggghHHhh

flashback.miss 28

SO UH.. How many texts/pics/calls do you get per hour??? and how many times a day does your door get knocked on...dont worry this;; all blow over....eventually. besides, this is a mlia at best cause i msure youll be able to laugh ti off soon and the guys had a good laugh.. hope u didnt get tackled and had your clothes ripped off by toungues and youre not having 20 babies...:/ um.. soudns like sometime i would do though XD

"When he came to me" don't you mean when he came ON you?

CyclonePsycho 1

...I bet bullets can bounce off your skull, #62.

xdinasaurzxrawrx 0

@ allmidnighteyes I think she might of meant came onto her... cause if he already came on her then he already would of known she's easy... haha xD