By mcullen21 - 12/06/2009 18:50 - United States

Today, In my science class I sit next to my friend Jill. My teacher always gets our names confused calling me Jill and her Liz. She decided to combine our names. I'm now known as Jizz. My teacher clearly has no idea what it means. FML
I agree, your life sucks 157 464
You deserved it 11 710

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tell your teacher what **** means so she looks like a fool in front of the class :)


Teachers can destroy entire existences by giving such nicknames, for they tend to stick way beyond graduation. No doubt your classmates will remember it at a reunion in 2050! They'll probably don't even know your real name anymore... But at least you are not alone, because your friend Jill shares your fate, doesn't she?

I do believe that a teacher, especially a science teacher, wouldnt get what it means. I had a teacher who didn't know what a lot of stuff was and whenever he heard something he would make whoever said it tell him what it meant after class.

Just_Spiffy 0

*sigh* I love it when teachers accidentally make those jokes. My Biology teacher would make them all the time. 'The sperm doesn't just come! ... Well, actually... heheheh?' You just gotta love 'em.

He'll think of you everytime he has sex/masturbates. look on the bright side. XD

HAHA, next time he calls you '****' you should finish it by saying ' my pants' :)

augustdanielle 0

lmao that's awesome! ahhh i bet that got some laughs.

dinosaursmoo 0
AmyBeth 0

lmao aw thats like a "just my luck" thing . . . I have those a lot. :D

purupuru 1
Eelusive 0

Pay attention folks. She said her teacher was an old lady.