By atterz123 - 12/02/2009 13:37 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out my teacher writes descriptions next to people's names on the register to remind him who people were. By mistake the descriptions appeared on the computer projector. Next to my name it said "Tubby". FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 992
You deserved it 5 417

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alwaysalady 0

I had a teacher who over an entire year never once called me by my right name. At least this one's trying even if he is being a jerk about it.

blackmail= A+ use this and other mistakes people make to your advantage, and maybe lay off the krispy cremes.


alwaysalady 0

I had a teacher who over an entire year never once called me by my right name. At least this one's trying even if he is being a jerk about it.

Fatness isn't some kind of incurable disease that entitles you to pity. It's something you brought upon yourself, and on top of that you're too weak-minded to go and do something about it.

blackmail= A+ use this and other mistakes people make to your advantage, and maybe lay off the krispy cremes.

insanelyXnikki 18
wakeeee 0

are you fat? then you probably deserve it

#7 and #16 have very good points :) #7 I want to teach, (I'm in college and am pretty positive this is what I want to do), and you sound like a GREAT teacher :)

Shalalalalala 0

My teacher used to do that, next to my name it said 'pretty hairband' because I always wear headbands. Next to one guy's it said frog face. I feel for both of you.

#19 I LOL'd Hahaha my cousin addresses me as tubby or tubtub or tubbytubtub or any variation in between although i have a six pack.... Its probably because I'm rather well endowed for an Asian girl lolololol

FYL for that appearing but YTD for letting yourself go. go exercise or something

screelov 0

are you completley stupid? the op could be thin, just not in the teachers eyes. stop assuming you idiot