By mcullen21 - 12/06/2009 18:50 - United States

Today, In my science class I sit next to my friend Jill. My teacher always gets our names confused calling me Jill and her Liz. She decided to combine our names. I'm now known as Jizz. My teacher clearly has no idea what it means. FML
I agree, your life sucks 157 464
You deserved it 11 710

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tell your teacher what **** means so she looks like a fool in front of the class :)


Sticky situation, come on you should really enlighten her. Either that or you will be stuck with **** forever.

kellster 2

Well, you're stuck with the nickname now, unless something much more embarrassing happens. Perhaps slip your teacher a link to the urban dictionary entry for "****", though!

wowfmlife 0

Don't tell her quietly, tell her publicly. Next time she calls you by that name say "Excuse me Ms X - you are probably not aware that **** is slang for sperm, I would prefer if you wouldn't call me that". Try not to make a big deal out of it, just say it casually but clearly. If she's not aware of not aware of the meaning, then she's now been told, you didn't make her angry and you've shown to the class that this doesn't get to you. If she was aware already than she lost any possibility to deny it.

She's a SCIENCE teacher and she doesn't know what **** means? FHL.

cynthia22 0

then your friend can be lill and you can be **** so together ur lil' **** i am genius XD

That's pretty much the coolest nickname to have coming from a teacher. This is not FML this is YLR (your life rocks). ;-)

crazygirl13_fml 0

****= sperm hahahahahahahahah