Nice try

By Gog - 26/05/2021 07:59

Today, someone tried to scam me by selling me a ticket to a Chris Cornell concert. FML
I agree, your life sucks 746
You deserved it 99

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ambrily 27

A wonderful singer who unfortunately passed a few years ago.

"Where is everyone?" - Chris Cornell, waiting to perform his first concert in Heaven "I'm here dude!" - Chester Bennington "I got something in my eye..." - the whole world


Marcella1016 31

Who the hell is Chris Cornell?

Ambrily 27

A wonderful singer who unfortunately passed a few years ago.

And a little later we lost Chester. RIP those awesome guys.

brockwaycc 3
Marcella1016 31

Yeah I felt bad after I looked it up. When I didn’t know the artist, I assumed it was some new bad pop singer or something and I was just out of the loop. In my (bad) defense, I grew up under a rock and have a lot of holes in my pop culture knowledge. Ive read the story now, and it’s pretty tragic :(

mmm1810 22

"Where is everyone?" - Chris Cornell, waiting to perform his first concert in Heaven "I'm here dude!" - Chester Bennington "I got something in my eye..." - the whole world

why were you trying to buy a Chris Cornell ticket? the dude's been dead for years