By mcullen21 - 12/06/2009 18:50 - United States

Today, In my science class I sit next to my friend Jill. My teacher always gets our names confused calling me Jill and her Liz. She decided to combine our names. I'm now known as Jizz. My teacher clearly has no idea what it means. FML
I agree, your life sucks 157 464
You deserved it 11 710

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tell your teacher what **** means so she looks like a fool in front of the class :)


Boys are suddenly interested in you, right?

IAmTheCamel 0

And I **** in my pantssss. SNL

this isnt exactly an FML. i mean who cares? its not really a big deal. people use the word **** everyday. its like a staple name for my friend. & she doesnt give a damn. lol @ you if you think its "FML" worthy. haaahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

amazingkate 0

you should very nicely tell her what it means. FML from her perspective. no teacher would do that on purpose.

LaLaJoy 2

#55 - AHAHA that one made me laugh, and that's saying something cuz I do NOT usually laugh aloud at people's comments. :)

I don't think she knows what it means... I'm 21 and I wouldn't have known what "****" meant if I hadn't heard the **** in My Pants song. Just tell her what it means and I'm sure you won't use it anymore.

rallets 22

so basically you have **** all over your seat now? also..i jizzed in my pants!!!

xThatRandomGirlx 0

You should tell her what it means, during class. And secretly tape her reaction

slinkiess 0

Today, I confused two of my students and nicknamed them **** jokingly, only to find out what it meant later on urbandictionary. FML Once she finds out, she's gonna be soooo embarassed. FML & FHL.