By Farterella - 02/11/2016 20:30

Today, I was the only girl in gym class who couldn't lift the weight, and the only one to fart multiple times during the attempt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 777
You deserved it 1 557

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you get a trophy for that? MFP! Most flatulent player, woot-woot!!!

Look on the bright side, atleast it was only a fart. There could have been liquids or solids instead of just gas.


manuelg1095 14

"Don't fart, don't fart, don't fart" - your mind.

Look on the bright side, atleast it was only a fart. There could have been liquids or solids instead of just gas.

Hey everybody body isn't built the same some people are naturally strong some aren't if your not into lifting dont lift

species4872 19

Perhaps she was trying to infuse the weights with hot air to make it lighter.

...this is how lifelong nicknames get started.