By UGH! - 19/12/2016 18:21 - Canada

Today, I slid into a seat in a very busy foodcourt that was jam packed full of seniors at the mall. It was the only seat available, so I was quick to jump into it. It was soaked with urine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 172
You deserved it 1 042

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I will never eat in a busy food court. Lesson learned. Thank you for letting me live vicariously through you. Sorry about your pissy pants, OP.

So you could say you were wet ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Don't blame seniors! It was probably kids who were aiming at a gingerbread house and missing.

I will never eat in a busy food court. Lesson learned. Thank you for letting me live vicariously through you. Sorry about your pissy pants, OP.

I've been there before, OP. And then mall security lead me out of the building because—allegedly—you're not supposed to eat meals on the public toilet even if it's the only seat available.

Looks like someone forgot to wear their adult diaper.

Sorry about that. I was expecting soda or some sauce. I'll remember to check the seat before I sit

cootiequeen4444 11

Oh dear lawd. I would have screamed, made a face of pure agonized horror, then run to the bathroom sobbing and once there call someone reliable for help (and clean clothes), still sobbing and occasionally yelling 'i didnt know people in food courts were such disgusting animals' in (likely futile) hopes passerbys will get the picture I didn't piss myself. **** your life, OP, **** it so hard! ... Actually, wait, that came out weird...

yeah, that's probably why it was available.