By Anonymous - 28/05/2009 17:44 - United States

Today, I woke up fully clothed, trying to remember the night's events. I walk to the den to awkwardly ask my dad for a ride to my car and he points to the computer. A pic of me passed out on the bathroom floor is now our new wallpaper. My skirt was around my knees. He sent it to everyone we know. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 997
You deserved it 25 907

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that is why you don't drink to your blackout point. YDI. I really don't feel bad for you

YDI for getting into such a ridiculous state, but seriously? He sent it to everyone you know? That's a massive dickmove so FYL as well.


amazingkate 0

so it just seems to me that a father taking pictures of his passed out half naked (underage?) daughter would raise a hell of a lot of questions in the community. am i missing something here? how is that even legal? jeezus, if this is true learn to drink responsibly, esp around your _____ dad. i don't even know what adjective goes there. also you were pwned.

why is your dad sending pics of you like that to everyone he knows? screw that, why's he taking pics of you like that at all? correct me if i'm mistaken, but i think there's something very, very wrong here.

seb12992 0

FYL for having the creepiest dad on earth. YDI for getting so drunk in the first place.

lets just hope ur dad didnt enjoy that picture too much....

Y would a dad even do such a thing. YDI for passing out on the toilet. FYL for having the stupidest dad ever

Hahaha. Your dad is kind of a jerk, but I bet it taught you a lesson, didn't it?

Wait what were you doing was your underwear off and like were you fingering your self or what? If you were touching your self than ydi but your DAD!!!!! That sucks!!!! Man that's kinda wierd he saw you pussy.

varkey 7

YDI, you deserved that being sent but still... isn't he kind of perverted for making your nude drunken self the WALLPAPER?

hazelkee 0