By Anonymous - 28/05/2009 17:44 - United States

Today, I woke up fully clothed, trying to remember the night's events. I walk to the den to awkwardly ask my dad for a ride to my car and he points to the computer. A pic of me passed out on the bathroom floor is now our new wallpaper. My skirt was around my knees. He sent it to everyone we know. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 997
You deserved it 25 907

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that is why you don't drink to your blackout point. YDI. I really don't feel bad for you

YDI for getting into such a ridiculous state, but seriously? He sent it to everyone you know? That's a massive dickmove so FYL as well.


dancing_bear 0

If it was a friend or a sibling who did it I'd completely say you deserved it, but your DAD? That's just messed up.

C_Wicked27 0

FYL for having a total pervert for a father, the fact that he sent the photo out to anybody is just wrong on so many levels. Then again, I want to say YDI for getting that drunk, but I'm counting up the nights that I've had one (or five) too many to drink, and I really can't judge you. This post kind of reminds me of the song Glasshouse by Atmosphere in a way.

YDI for getting that drunk, yes, but whoah, your dad is seriously ****** up

themixedt4pe 0

If you were my kid... I might have done the same thing. Except I would have only TOLD you I sent it to everyone, just to scare the shit out of you. Hope you learned your lesson. =P

If I was him I would have just saved it and showed it to future dates, or whoever takes her out. Bit of a warning of what they'd have to deal with if she drinks.

Rainbowarrior_fml 0

your dad is obviously a perv. also, isn't that kind of... illegal?

For everyone who is saying she deserves it...c'mon, everybody gets stupid drunk at least once in their lifetime. And your dad sounds like a creeper. Seriously, FYL for having a dirty perv as a dad. Sounds a lot like "latent sexual abuse" - which is a non-physical form of sexual abuse - maybe should see a counselor.

nooo..#153 not "everybody" gets stupid drunk in their lifetime. i haven't and i never want to.

I call complete BS or exaggeration on this one. What kind of father with ANY decency would think sending a picture like that to people he knows? Not only would you look bad, but he would look like some kind of loser/incestual pervert that didn't raise his daufhter right to your family and friends. Unless you guys are bottom of the barrel trash, no reasonable parent would do that as "punishment.". Make up a better story next time you blackout.