By Anonymous - 28/05/2009 17:44 - United States

Today, I woke up fully clothed, trying to remember the night's events. I walk to the den to awkwardly ask my dad for a ride to my car and he points to the computer. A pic of me passed out on the bathroom floor is now our new wallpaper. My skirt was around my knees. He sent it to everyone we know. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 997
You deserved it 25 907

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that is why you don't drink to your blackout point. YDI. I really don't feel bad for you

YDI for getting into such a ridiculous state, but seriously? He sent it to everyone you know? That's a massive dickmove so FYL as well.


thatonedame 6

dad ftw. and why would you need to pull your skirt down to pee? especially if your drunk, the main reason drunken minors who live with their parents wear skirts: easy access. let's face it, OP eared it with her stupidity. lesson learned. the hard way.

ashyash90 8

well on the plus side, his complete lack of concern for you and your dignity probably explains why you have none and u don't have to wonder why anymore...

haha faillll , yu got drunk at home .. with yer dad there .? harshh punishment , but ydi .

obviously not true. why would her dad want everyone to see her pussy

WTF, what kind of a parent does that to his kid?!

Hopefully that will teach you not to drink

Your not supposed to say that, read the commenting policy

1991j 4

yous deserve it... I mean... idiotic... you probably fell off the toilet

shooz89 3

Your dad sounds like a dick! That is a horrible punishment