By Anonymous - 28/05/2009 17:44 - United States

Today, I woke up fully clothed, trying to remember the night's events. I walk to the den to awkwardly ask my dad for a ride to my car and he points to the computer. A pic of me passed out on the bathroom floor is now our new wallpaper. My skirt was around my knees. He sent it to everyone we know. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 997
You deserved it 25 907

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that is why you don't drink to your blackout point. YDI. I really don't feel bad for you

YDI for getting into such a ridiculous state, but seriously? He sent it to everyone you know? That's a massive dickmove so FYL as well.


Lol your dad is awesome, sorry but you got what was coming to you, you shuld never drink to the point you pass out- it is stupid and it forces your personal responsabilty to yourself on someone else. Lets face it, a lot of people won't be as kind as your father was. Hopefully the feeling of embarrassment will prevent you from over drinking next time.

I agree with #125, your dad is ****** up. You shouldn't have been that drunk to begin with, but still.

Imoteda 0

that's disgusting. Why wold a father do that? It perverted,its cruel and I seriously hope its not true. Your dad needs counseling or to be arrested ewwww

emyle11 0

Whose father does that? Whether he's trying to teach you a lesson or not, that's messed up.

what the ****? i can't believe people think you deserve this. the punishment should fit the crime. jesus

heychelseaa 0

Woah, your own dad did that?Ouch.

chris5182 0

haha this reminds me of something that happened to me a few short weeks ago. i had taken who knows how many shots of vodka and was completely wasted. not remembering anything the next morning my friend said he found me unconscious in the bathroom and when he woke me up i got up very pissed off and wanted to fight haha. i didn't remember any of this. but luckily my parents didn't find out or anything and i kept my shorts around my waist.