By bleachingmykidsbrains - 01/07/2015 23:38 - Canada - Montréal

Today, my mother-in-law started chasing my kids around her house to make them smell her freshly-washed underwear. They were thongs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 782
You deserved it 1 729

Same thing different taste

Top comments

**** your spouses life.. The things they must have had to put up with growing up.

Okay, that is something. Maybe she shouldn't be around the kids too much.


Okay, that is something. Maybe she shouldn't be around the kids too much.

Okay...that must have been interesting...., maybe she should just ask her husband? Kinky

**** your spouses life.. The things they must have had to put up with growing up.

winterforever97 30
Ramos808 29

I just started off the day with this strange story, lol

Did your kids wash their eyes afterwards?

OP that goes beyond disturbing and into Twilight Zone territory. Your name says it all!

This is even too disturbing for The Twilight Zone.

I hope they are young enough to forget that mental image